Dr. McKemzie is the best doctor I have ever had

Member First Name
| March, 1 2018 | for Allan McKenzie, MD

I was a single mom of two for almost ten years. I have always worked extremely hard to provide for my children...even working three jobs while going to school for awhile! But, I have always struggled in the workplace with staying on task, completing assignments in a timely manner, staying organized, and even completing sentences! I felt very dumb and self conscious anytime I had to talk to anyone! I had a new friend notice my issues and recommend that I meet her doctor. I was very excited but not very optimistic at the same time. I met Dr. Mckenzie in June of 2016 for my first appointment. He took so much time talking to me and getting to know me and my situation, and thoroughly explained why I was having those problems, that I thought were just me being dumb, and told me that he could help me! I immediately felt relief!!! In weeks of Dr. McKenzie's plan to help me, I already felt like a huge weight had been lifted from me! I was organized, efficient, a fast thinker, quick at problem solving, and completing what used to be the most complicated tasks, with ease! After a month, I started receiving multiple job offers and ended up accepting a job, making twice as much as I was before!!! I now have an AMAZING job where I am rewarded for my hard work and BRAINS that I did not know I had! So, not only do I think Dr. McKemzie is the best doctor I have ever had, but he is a truly genuine person that really cares for his patients. To me, you can't put a price on that.
