Dr. Levitt - Treats the WHOLE you
I am diagnosed as Bipolar Manic Depressive. It took thirty years for medical science to develop the right kinds of medication to aid in my recovery. Eventually, I was administered three psych meds that seemed to help but still I didn’t feel quite right. As an alert physician, Dr. Levitt was always curious as to what my psychiatrist was doing to help me. After discussing my stalemate, she recommended that I start taking Deplin. Well, that was it!!! I started feeling better almost immediately. It was as if the Deplin jump-started the psych meds! I call it my miracle drug and my psychiatrist is so pleased that Dr. Levitt added it to my regimen. I will ALWAYS be thankful that she not only cared for my medical health but my mental health as well. Dr. Levitt has an observant eye, a listening ear, a big heart and an award-winning smile. A true doctor. 😘