Dr Leichtling

Member First Name
| April, 2 2024 | for David Leichtling, MD

David received a notice on the day of his appointment that his doctor had to take a immediate medical retirement.
Approximately 3 days later, David had a brain bleed. David had already decided that Dr Leichtling looked to be his choice of a new doctor.
I called Dr Leichtling office as David was being taken to the hospital and asked Dr Leichtling to take him on as a patient, without hesitation Dr Leichtling
said yes. After David was released from John Hopkins Hospital we had our first appointment with Dr Leichtling. It was a wonderful appointment.
Dr Leichtling knew everything that had happened, went over all David's test results, got David;s blood pressure under control and has kept a close eye on him every since. We think Dr Leichtling is a wonderful doctor, he is kind, explains everything, he listens to what you say and makes recommendations, and takes his time with you, and we are going to continue seeing him.
