Dr. Landry is willing to spend as much time as needed to guide me along; I would strongly recommend his services to anyone.

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| February, 23 2014 | for Frank J. Landry, MD, FACP
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As a competitive person who has won the Vermont Closed Table-tennis Tournament six times (and runner-up twice) since age 48 and who has experienced over twenty years of heart problems (2 open heart surgeries, 7 bypasses, 5 stents, numerous heart catheterizations, ablation, and 3 implanted defibrillator pacers), I retired from operating my own business 3 years ago (age 74). The heart problems became more serious and I somehow found it difficult to find an MD I could communicate well with. A year and a half ago I went to a meeting explaining the benefits of Dr. Landry's move to lessen his caseload and expand his service to his patients. I decided to take advantage of this offering (as did my wife) and It has worked out very well. We have confidence in his judgment and medical expertise. He helped me find a cardiologist who also helped. I am on a medicine course that allows me to play table-tennis twice per week (not as skillfully as when I was 50 but still fun.) Dr. Landry is willing to spend as much time as needed to guide me along; I would strongly recommend his services to anyone.
