Dr. Kopjas & His Team - Outstanding!

Member First Name
| January, 21 2024 | for Tibor C. Kopjas, MD

Simply put, this is the way healthcare should be. Dr. Kopjas and his team are outstanding! The care is fantastic and forward-looking - in other words, not just how to handle a current issue, but rather how to plan ahead to maximize our health across our lifetime. They spend time with us not only ensuring we understand the information (i.e., lab results) but also the "so what" behind the tests, results, and plans. I, for instance, very much appreciate the time Dr. Kopjas spends with me on advanced explanations (my "inner scientist" coming out, LOL!). We have complete faith and trust in our team. And, of course, are available any time we need them.

My wife and I are happy to be a part of this family!
