Dr K is the best Dr I have ever had the experience to deal with

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| March, 19 2014 | for Vasilios C. Kalonaros, MD

Dr K is the best Dr I have ever had the experience to deal with, he explains things goes the extra 100 yards, not 10 yards but 100 Yards. Please take this from an executive that travels upwards of 150 Nights a year and needs assistance immediately when needed, so traveling its a great solution at home its a great bonus, he is so good I have friends calling me to ask me if I would ask my Dr because he is always right and he will explain and in many cases so I don'y #$&# up he will say I will call them on my way to another appointment. Dr Kalonaros is the apathy of what MDVIP is all about, a service you can't find and if you could he is the spokes child.
