Dr. Jim Hochwalt helped save our adult son's life.

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| February, 28 2018 | for James M. Hochwalt, MD

Dr. Jim Hochwalt helped save our adult son's life. He was on a hunting trip out west (outside Denver) in Yampa, Colorado. He began having severe pain in his abdomen. He was with his cousin on this trip, and decided to go to Vail, CO (closest hospital) for evaluation. He had a CT scan. The Dr. said he had a ruptured appendix and needed emergency surgery. My husband & I had just arrived in Florida (90 degree weather). We received the call (from our nephew) saying the surgery was supposed to be 20 minutes but he was still in surgery 1 1/2 hours later. We rushed to the airport, flew to Denver (in shorts & tee shirts). Arrived in Denver at 10 pm. There was a blizzard in the mountains, couldn't see 2' in front of our car. Arrived 5 hours later (for 100 mile trip). At the hospital, 3 am we walked in, took one look at him, and said, he is not going to make it....it was obvious. We called Dr. Hochwalt, asked him to become involved in his care. He had arranged the BEST of the BEST Dr's in Cincinnati at Christ Hospital. We had to fly our son home on a Medical Flight (Dr. Hochwalt suggested sooner rather than later), and his advice saved his life. When we arrived in Cincinnati the life squad transported him to Christ Hospital. Dr. Hochwalt was the quarterback that was overseeing his case. Our son was in the hospital for a total of 3 weeks, but he is alive and well today. We believe it is because Dr. Hochwalt became involved while our son was in the hospital in Colorado. MD VIP has been the best decision our family has ever made. Once we arrived home, he was at our son's beside 5:30 am each morning making sure our son was improving. We will never be able to repay him for being instrumental in helping save our son's life. Needless to say, we are so grateful and thankful to have a Dr. that truly cares about his patients! If we could nominate him as TOP Dr. of the year for the U.S., we would do just that. He's an amazing Dr. The brightest, the best!
