Dr. Jeffrey Magaziner, The Best

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| March, 10 2020 | for Jeffrey Magaziner, MD, FACP

I have been a patient of his for 28 yrs. He is the best doctor I have ever had in all my 82 years. He is so understanding and always there when I need him.

I stopped seeing him when he went into your program because I could not afford the payments. I was so upset that I didn't have him anymore as my doctor, that my son, e-mailed Dr. Magaziner and asked him if he could get me into the system. He said, "Yes".

I was so happy the day I went to see him. In fact, that day I had atrial fib. and he sent me to St. Joseph's Hospital right from his office. Thank You God!!

I am fine now and I will be his patient God willing until the end.

Everybody likes him.

When I had stopped seeing him I had another doctor who was very upset because I am a liver transplant patient. She didn't want me as a patient because she evidently felt unable to handle my transplant needs.

After I went back to Dr. Magaziner, I received a letter from her saying that she will no longer be seeing patients. She closed her practice.
