Dr. Jeffrey Magaziner is always a phone call or email away

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| March, 10 2020 | for Jeffrey Magaziner, MD, FACP

This happened before I became a member of MDVIP, but sharing it brings tears to my eyes and joy that I survived. It was on February 5, 2014, I had my first right knee surgery. I loved cycling, and didn't want to stop cycling. I had just started my physical therapy. Several days later, my knee and leg was so swollen. I called my surgeon's office first to alert them, then I drove myself to my surgeon's office. After my surgeon saw me, one of his nurses took me to Howard Co. General. The ER staff immediately began working on me. I asked that Dr. Magaziner be called. As the specialist conducted tests, she spoke loud enough for Dr. Magaziner to hear everything and ask questions. Based on what she was seeing and relaying to Dr. Magaziner, they agreed it was a blood clot in my knee. The ER doctor asked me specific questions which led him to require another test. Thank God he did. I was taken back to my room, and the ER doctor came in my room and said " I was a lucky woman." I said "a blessed woman." The blood clot broke off in my knee, and traveled to BOTH LUNGS. Ater discussing which blood thinner to take, Dr. Magaziner started me on Xarelto. After all the surgeries that I have had, Dr. Magaziner makes sure I take Xarelto after each surgery. Thank you so much Dr. Magaziner!! You have been there for me and my husband, Ed. P.S. Dr. Magaziner suggested the FODMAP Diet to me. It truly has improved my overall health.
