Dr James Parsons is always there for us!

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| January, 31 2024 | for James S. Parsons, MD

July 2023 I had a dry cough that Dr Parsons said should be looked @ by an ENT doctor. He got me an appointment @ a very booked office within days. When x-ray ordered by Dr Parsons in December 2022 for my husband, Jim Coolbaugh, showed a small spot on the lung, he immediately contacted a pulmonary doctor. After his suggestion didn't resolve the spot, we were sent to the pulmonary doctor. This doctor was booked for over a month...BUT he saw us in a week. This is only due to Dr Parsons's reputation & respect shown to him by his peers. 10 October 2023 my husband, was a surgical patient @ UNC Rex Hospital for a "simple" lobectomy. A 2-3 day surgery that lasted 37 days. An air leak in the lung complicated the 1st surgery. After that was resolved & we were discharged 27 October, an infection started. We were readmitted via ER 9 November with staph all over the chest cavity. That necessitated another major surgery, Decortication to clean the infection out. Being on huge antibiotics, naturally caused C-Diff to appear. We were discharged again 16 November. That lasted only 24 hours. EMTs brought us back to Rex ER with a life-threatening duodenal ulcer that needed the third surgical procedure to save Jim's life, upper endoscopy. During our extended stay @ Rex, whenever the name of our PCP came up, there were ALWAYS comments re Dr Parsons respectability in the medical community! Throughout this whole time, Dr Parsons was aware of the situation. He was reading UNC MyChart & I was sending him updates, the same that I sent our children. He was there at a moment's notice, via text, email or phone. He was the medical person that I could rely on to answer the complicated situations that I did not understand. Dr Parsons gave me his personal opinion when a very expensive med was offered for C-Diff. It gives us a warm feeling to know that we were blessed to have found Dr James Parsons. (Because we know that coincidences don't happen...they are planned by a higher being.)
