Dr. James Harkins Saved My Surgery

Member First Name
| January, 21 2024 | for James P. Harkins, MD
Image provided by: PAUL

I was scheduled for prostate cancer surgery on a Monday, but on the Saturday beforehand, Johns Hopkins called to tell me that they had not received my medical records (after Dr. Harkins sent them twice to the FAX number supplied). Turns out that the FAX number they gave us had been discontinued a decade earlier. We were out of town and had no practical way to get back to Dr. Harkins office to retrieve my records during regular business hours. Dr. Harkins went the extra distance to go back to his office on Saturday, copied my records and placed them in his outdoor lab box. I retrieved them on the way home from church on Sunday, took them to J.H and my surgery could be completed as scheduled. I should also mention that Dr. Harkins' reviews of my lab work were the first indication that I needed further attention and treatment. The attached photo is of my wife and I riding our tandem bicycle in York County, PA during the Bicycle Club of Philadelphia's Fall Foliage Weekend on a 50 mile ride.
