Dr. James Harkins - An Extremely Dedicated Doctor

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| January, 22 2024 | for James P. Harkins, MD

Dr. James Harkins is a very dedicated and compassionate primary care physician. He always greets his patients, listens to them, takes notes and has everything at his fingertips. And he will go the extra mile to make sure his patients' health issues are resolved or will refer you to a specialist.

Dr. Harkins will call you in the evening to confirm the results of your lab work, which is much appreciated as one is always nervous about any test.

My husband and I have both been going to see for Dr. Harkins for over 30 years and will hate for him put out his "retirement" sign. We, I am sure, will find it quite difficult to find another PCP who is as caring and always has his patients first in mind. Dr. Harkins is an extremely excellent PCP.
