Dr. Isaeff provides care for both me and my husband.

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| February, 5 2012 | for Mark A. Isaeff, MD

Dr. Isaeff provides care for both me and my husband. My health is very good, and Dr. Isaeff helps to promote my greater health. My husband has very complicated health issues, and Dr. Isaeff supports me in my care of my husband. It works...

Not only does it work, but Dr. Isaeff is proactive to the range of issues that we bring him. In our circumstance --- my husband's complex issues and my stress that results as his primary caregiver --- I have to be meticulous about my husband's care as well as about monitoring myself. It is often exhausting. What makes it all possible to achieve some sense of stability is that Dr. Isaeff invests himself in us as much as we invest in ourselves to keep us sane and healthy. It's a doctor-patient partnership that we've had with him before MDVIP and has just gotten better with MDVIP.
