Dr. Hong has a staff who are also very caring and professional.

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| March, 15 2018 | for Chun Hong, MD, PhD

Dr. Alan Joshua who was my primary Dr. for over 30 years could not have selected a better doctor to transfer his practice than to Dr. Chun Hong.

My first meeting with Dr. Hong who was well versed on my physical conditions and made some changes to prescriptions I was taken because of new information noted in new tests given.

Dr. Hong also conducted a electrocardiogram using equipment in his well furnished facility.

I discussed my problems with my knees. I had some Laser treatments that proved of no value. The pains continued.

Dr. called for an appointment with a orthopedic surgeon I was given a two o clock appt. I had x rays taken. Met with the surgeon who discussed my problems. He gave me a cortisone shot and suggested exercises I should take. I was out by four o clock.

All of this in one day. No small fete. Thanks to Dr. Hong.
Dr. Hong has a staff who are also very caring and professional. He has a great team.
