Dr. Heidrick has truly become our family doctor.

Member First Name
| February, 27 2018 | for John T. Heidrick, DO, FAAFP

Dr. Heidrick has truly become our family doctor. Over the course of the last year we have moved my parents (ages 90 and 92) as well as my mother-in-law (age 92) to his practice because we felt they were not receiving the care and attention that they all need and deserve. In addition to my husband and myself I have two brothers and their wives who have moved to Dr. Heidrick within the last few years. I have recommended him to friends as well who have become his patients. We have never experienced such easy communication and quick response from a doctor as we have with Dr. Heidrick. It is well worth the money spent to have the comfort of knowing our parents are well cared for and that he understands our extended family situations. You can't put a pricetag on this kind of peace of mind. And for ourselves, my husband and I value the personal relationship with Dr. Heidrick and his help in maintaining our good health through annual physicals and time spent with him explaining the results of those physical exam tests. And to top it all off his staff is the nicest group of employees I've ever met - personable and kind yet very professional.
