Dr. Hasbrook practices with integrity.

Member First Name
| February, 8 2014 | for Charles F. Hasbrook, MD

Dr. Hasbrook practices with integrity. He is calm, interested, supportive, but never intrusive. He knows our family well, having been our physician for nearly 30 years. We appreciate him, depend on him, and are grateful for his devotion to his patients. It's great to call his office and have a human being answer the phone, rather than a voice mail tree. He has held true to the concept of being a true FAMILY physician. He even opened his doors to my husband on Christmas Eve when I called in a panic after an accident. Within a half an hour of calling, they met at the office and Dr. Hasbrook tended to my husband's injured foot. This was above and beyond the call of duty. He certainly could have directed us to the emergency room instead.
I can't imagine having another physician care for our family. We are lucky to have him as our doctor.
