Dr. Hasbrook has been our family physician for many years.

Member First Name
David and Fae
| February, 22 2014 | for Charles F. Hasbrook, MD

Dr. Hasbrook has been our family physician for many years. My wife and I are eighty years old and have had our share of health issues. We have great confidence in his skills and his interest in our well being. For example, on December 30, 2012 I slipped on the ice in our driveway and shattered my femur. I have had both hips replaced and the titanium ball is secured by driving the spike attached to the ball into the femur. When I fell I landed on my right hip and drove the spike almost to my knee. After surgery I moved to the Forum for recovery and rehab. Dr. Hasbrook was returning from vacation and called me from Miami before I moved to the Forum to see how I was doing. We were impressed. The Forum has their own attending physician for their patients. Dr. Hasbrook volunteered to call on me and attend to my needs in lieu of the Forum physician. I was pleased and relieved to know Dr. Hasbrook would be in charge. There are other examples for both my wife and me, this one is more recent.

Dr. Hasbrook is our Health Hero.
