Dr. Hasbrook and his staff are the best .

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Chuck & Susan
| February, 27 2018 | for Charles F. Hasbrook, MD

Dr. Hasbrook and his staff are the best . He and his staff clearly care about the patients, as they listen, ask questions, and reason with the clear intent of helping patients as humans. They clearly care and show it by how it by the time and energy they spend and they way they go about their everyday activities. Dr. Hasbrook sets an example not just for his staff, but for what the medical professions should be. They take the time and attention to seek the best options and follow up even where we as patients slip. We have dealt with physicians in many different professional capacities, and he represents the epitome of what patients look for in a doctor. He sets the standard and we have always seen the absolute best from Dr. Hasbrook and his staff.
