Dr. Gerber listens to me with an open mind.

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| November, 19 2013 | for Steven L. Gerber, MD

Dr. Gerber listens to me with an open mind. He sees me WHEN I am sick, not days later.
He thinks outside of the box and is open to alternative ways to look at a problem. He listens and looks more carefully than many of the other doctors I saw who took care of me by saying I complicated or was a hypochrondiac AND he actually found a number of overlooked, but seemingly simple ailments, that had a signifiant effect on my quality of life. He diagnosed a thyroid function problem, potassium deficiency, sent me to doctors that helped me with undiagnosed allergies, a vein problems in my leg, an ovarian mass, an inflamed gallbladder and even morel One would think that the tests would show these problems but they did not or were overlooked. Some possible reason could be that the tests were not given at the right time to catch the problem, it was not the right test, I was not seen at the most acute time, I not listened to, not retested and so on. As a result of the care and attention I have received from Dr. Gerber and the other health care providers he sent me to, my quality of life and my mental health have greatly improved. I thank Dr. Gerber everyday in my head and I am now telling him in writing:
