Dr. Ferrara has been my "family doctor" since 1993.

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| September, 27 2012 | for Greg Ferrara, MD
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Dr. Ferrara has been my family doctor since 1993. During that time he treated me mainly for sinus infections, earaches, etc. I saw him only a few times a year.

When my Mother was illl and in her last days on earth, it became very apparent that there needs to be someone to coordinate health care. She had lots of doctors and no one knew what the other one was doing for her treatment.

Dr. Ferrera's decision to join MDVIP and mine to join in with him was an answer to a prayer: doctor to coordinate my health care! Since joining (my husband and I) we have been very pleased with the attention we have received and the concern shown for us as people and not just another sick person. We travel a good deal and the idea of having medical care nation wide in the MDVIP appealed to us as well.

The complete physical was an eye opening experience and the first one I had ever had. I look forward to implementing life style changes that Doc recommended. I am already working toward some goals that I set for myself after spending a couple of hours with my doctor.

Because of the positive experiences we have had, we recommend Dr. Ferrara and MDVIP whenever we can to our friends and family. Happy to report that my sister recently joined. I am sold on it!
