Dr. Ferrara has been my doctor for more than 20 years

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| March, 31 2014 | for Greg Ferrara, MD
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Dr. Ferrara has been my doctor for more than 20 years. I joined MDVIP without a second's hesitation--as I knew he is too valuable a diagnostician and doctor to be without! He has watched my 2 children grow into adults, and has always done his best to see everyone in a timely fashion. However, with MDVIP, life has become even better as a patient! He is able to be very pro-active with my health, and as a result I most likely will not suffer the heart attacks that killed both my parents.
My favorite story is from this past Christmas, when I was visiting my son's family. My 5 year-old grandson 'kissed' a boiling pot on the stove (he wanted to see what it tasted like). As they had just moved, they did not have their own doctor yet, and the hospital was fairly distant. I called Dr. Ferrara,
(8:30 pm!!) and he returned the call almost immediately. His common sense questions and answers calmed my daughter-in-law, and my grandson suffered no ill effects whatsoever. However, what I did Not realize until I had returned home, was that I completely discounted the time change. Although it was only 8:30 pm in Calif, it was 10:30 pm at Dr. Ferrara's!! I am so grateful that he was there, as he diffused a potentially chaotic situation. I think he is one of the best diagnosticians in Baton Rouge (if not THE best) and an awesome person.
