Dr. Drew Hilldrup is the best doctor I could possibly have.

Member First Name
| February, 12 2024 | for Andrew B. Hilldrup, DO

Dr. Drew Hilldrup is not only a great doctor to work with, but I also feel he's the best doctor to work with me for the future of my healthcare. I really feel blessed to have him in my corner. He not only made the transition to working with him from Dr. Myers who retired, seamless, but the way he handled it in a way that through discussing my healthcare needs with him and my healthcare goals, we created a plan going forward. We all age and everyone faces the challenges of aging in a different way. When I look at my future plan of dealing with getting older, I look at my friends, family, and people I deal with and I visualize who's on my team going forward. Being my physician, Dr. Hilldrup is at the top of my team, along with my son, and my friends. The things I appreciate the most about MDVIP and Dr. Hilldrup are 1. When I call the office for anything, someone actually answers the phone and you hear a voice saying hello and not a depressing, faceless phone tree. 2. I like the interface with Nurse Nancy, 3. the thing I like best about Dr. Hilldrup is when I go to see him, he actually sits down and discusses my questions and issues with me and gives me his time to thoroughly discuss the issues and gives me the medical meaning, implications and how the issue may or may not affect me. Then he discusses the possible options to address the issue and if needed, prescribes the appropriate medication to address the issue. Not only have I enjoyed getting to work with him on a professional level, but we both attended the same University, which is important to us, and we've connected with the 'car hobby' of dealing with performance cars and collector cars. In conclusion, at this point I feel very fortunate to have Dr. Hilldrup on my 'team' and I'm looking forward to working with him as my doctor confidently, into the future. Thank you, Dr. Hilldrup. 
