Dr. Douglass is the doctors' doctor.

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| March, 18 2018 | for Adrian C. Douglass, MD, FACP
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I was on a business trip in the Chicago area. I experienced pain in my lower back and side. It didn't go away. Co-workers suggested that I go to the local Emergency Room. No way. Dr. Douglass is the doctors' doctor. (Several of my other physicians told me that they go to him.) I took a chance and booked a flight home and went straight to the Dr. Douglass' office. After a thorough examination, they wheeled me over to the main hospital. It was kidney cancer, in both kidneys. Dr. Douglass' quick and thorough diagnosis allowed treatment early enough so that, now, 3 years later, I am cancer free and enjoying life. The right doctor can save your life. Thanks a million, Dr. Douglass!
