Dr. DeBoard is brilliant...yet, kind, patient, genuinely interested in each one of us as a person

Member First Name
| February, 28 2018 | for J. Edward DeBoard, MD

Our family is immensely grateful for having Dr. DeBoard as our doctor for a few decades now---how lucky we were as a young, newly-married couple to be referred to him by a fellow teacher at Punahou School. Dr. DeBoard is brilliant...yet, kind, patient, genuinely interested in each one of us as a person and ALWAYS there for us in any situation. It certainly is gratifying as we've met other doctors along the way....and when asked, Who's your primary doctor? and we say, Dr. DeBoard---the response is ALWAYS one of profound respect for his work and reputation.
We're very appreciative, Dr. DeBoard!! Thanks for being there for us!!
MaryAnn, Mike and Aaron S.
