Dr Dean Smith means the world to us.

Member First Name
| March, 3 2018 | for Dean A. Smith, MD

In the 5 years that we have been patients of Dean Smith, he has literally saved my husband's life 3-4 times! Once during the first year, my husband woke one morning while at my mother's home, and was unable to breathe in or out! It was a Holiday, yet I called Dean Smith on his cell, and he picked up immediately and said, Hi Anita, what can I do for you. Within moments he was able to give us a solution to the problem and my husband recovered...from the convergence of an extreme allergic reaction to my mother's cat, dust in the room, asthma and some form of severe bronchitis....It was very frightening, and it was invaluable to be able to call our doctor on a Holiday morning, get an immediate answer, and solution to the problem...We were out in the country at the time, and calling 911 and getting to the ER would have taken about an hour. The second and far more serious incident, occurred two years ago, when seemingly out of nowhere, my husband began to run a very high fever, had extreme chills, and body was shaking....I called Dean Smith...and he helped us handle the situation...with home care initially for an hour or so, and soon after, when the fever went up to 105.2, Dean told us of course to call 911, and he would call the hospital and tell them we were coming. Fortunately, my husband got there quickly enough that they were able to save him, from this extreme attack of prostatitis which with the high fever could have led to meningitis, or heart attack, and could have killed my husband. Just the day before I had said to my husband that maybe we don't need to have MDVIP, as we never call the doctor...
the next night I was calling Dean Smith no less that 5 times, at dinner time,
and was assisted with this extreme medical crisis. Once in the hospital, Dean was very attentive, and would stop by once or twice a day, and set my husband up with the necessary specialists, and the best doctors in town. We were not told by other offices that we could not be seen for a month or two, but were seen right away! So this practice has been invaluable to us. Besides all that, Dean is a very kind person, soft spoken, has a good sense of humor, is not an alarmist, and is the best diagnostician in our area. We feel so very fortunate to be in his practice and to be under his care, and in partnership with him, as we go forward trying to take steps which he encourages to improve our health. This year in January my husband had yet another medical crisis, where he nearly died...and was again in the hospital for 6 days, again related to the severe prostatitis, infection and kidney failure...and followed two weeks later by a surgery that has finally got my husband on the road to good health....Once again Dean's care while my husband was in the hospital was exceptional and he orchestrated a team of doctors, to handle my husband's medical crisis and he was in critical condition. Dean's kindness and support even while we were in the ER cannot be matched. He was not even on duty that weekend, and yet I called him before going to the ER, and he answered and sent his partner to seek us out there to support us, as my husband was literally dying and the emergency room was full. Due to the grace of God and Dr. Wonderful, as one of our friends calls Dean Smith, my husband is alive and well, and beginning to have the opportunity for a new level of health and chance at a new life. We can never express what this practice has meant to us...and the office itself is Wonderful.. all the staff are so friendly and competent and supportive....Dean's Nurse Wendy is wonderful, Tiffany at the front desk too, as is Ally, and the person who does the blood work, frankly is the only person in the Universe who can get blood out of my husband...it is literally like getting blood out of a turnip! So that is out Glowing report that we have been meaning to write for years. Dr Dean Smith means the world to us.
