Dr. Cohn has been my rock...

Member First Name
| August, 31 2011 | for Lillian E. Cohn, MD, FACP

Dr. Cohn has been my rock thru some very difficult personal and health problems...MANY years ago, I was a relatively new patient and went to see her again complaining of strange but terrible pain..at the time she had a resident working with her...she examined me , drew blood, and was very professional...the next day i received a phone call in the evening from Dr. Cohn...she had called to apologize! i could not imagine why..she said that she actually had not believed me, and had sort of expressed that to the resident...however, after reviewing my lab results, she realized that i was probably really in great pain...and i had taught her a valuable lesson...she thanked me! now remember, i never once felt this disbelief...in fact, she was very kind! and person..let alone a dr. who can admit a mistake that you would never know about...is the tops in my book! she has since proved to be the best choice i could have made...i can not afford her..i am on a fixed income...but i will give up lots of things before i will give her up!!!!
