Dr. Braver is an incredible doctor.

Member First Name
| February, 11 2014 | for Robin A. Braver, MD

Dr. Braver is an incredible doctor. In 2000 I was suffering from Epstein Barr. The doctor I had at the time seemed too busy to take time for me. A friend of mine told Dr. Braver how sick I was. Dr. Braver took the time to call me personally. I became her patient that day. Since that time, she has always been there for me. Whether I have a sore throat, or having to be hospitalized for diverticulitis, she shows her concern. Now that she is a MDVIP doctor, she has even more time to spend with me each visit. I feel like I can face my health head on with the in depth yearly exam, and the consultation that follows. I never feel rushed so I'm less likely to forget any questions I may have. I'm blessed to have such a caring and dedicated doctor. I don't know what I would do without her! She has gotten me through some rough times.
