Dr. Bottenberg is a caring physician who actually talks with you.

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| March, 1 2018 | for B Bottenberg, DO, FNLA

Dr. Bottenberg is a caring physician who actually talks with you. He listens and actually makes eye contact, not sitting at a computer entering EMR like my last physician who maybe, truly maybe, spent 5 minutes in the room, on the computer.
He'll ask how are you when he enters the room and you can respond with something ridiculous and he'll say Good. Dr. Bottenberg is a breath of fresh air, like doctors used to before the government put so many restrictions and records keeping on them, all the while reducing payment for their services.
This concierge service, while expensive, makes you feel you have a doctor that actually cares about you and is bound and determined to fix what's wrong. The ONLY time in over ten years, going to my other doctor, that he ever looked in my ears and in my mouth/throat was the one time he had a medical student observing him. Dr. Bottenberg gives you a thorough exam without ever looking at his watch. I highly recommend this doctor
