Dr. Boehme became our family doctor several years ago because of many recommendations from friends.

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| February, 22 2014 | for Elizabeth Y. Boehme, MD

Dr. Boehme became our family doctor several years ago because of many recommendations from friends. She proved to be even better than we could expect especially with my husband Chuck since he had been a heart patient since he was a young man. I, on the other hand, had been very healthy, and saw her very seldom. She was still insistant that I have all the usual tests for preventive medicine, and this led me to finally have a colonoscopy at 63. The doctor she sent me to discovered that I had inherited a serious colon disease that required surgery and yearly procedures to control this disease. Thanks to Dr Boehme, I am ok today and very happy she convinced me to follow her advice. what else can I say? SHE SAVED MY LIfe
