Dr. Barry Schumer has helped me prolong my life in a very good way.
To whom it may concernI am responding to an email from my doctors practice, MDVIP, asking his patients to provide some information as to how Dr. Barry Schumer being my doctor, relates to my life.
I do have the following to report, that I am a firm believer that Dr. Barry Schumer has helped me prolong my life in a very good way.
Dr Schumer has taken care of me like a momma bird takes care of her young, continually looking after my health and well being. As everyone knows, a good doctor does more than check on my blood pressure, check on my vitals to see if they are in line with good health, making sure of my well being as a diabetic, always checking to see if my kidneys are ok, as we had a scare there, keeping check on my AC1 as we had a problem there once, but have been able with his help to keep myself in line.
He has done a great job of keeping track of my heart, after my heart attack, by giving me the proper medicine and making sure that I am taking it properly, and taking it as he has prescribed. He has always been able to send me to the finest doctors to help me in whatever my problem is at the time.
After all the above Dr Schumer, still takes time to talk to me of other interests like voting for the right people and keeping me abreast of current affairs that he thinks I have an interest in.
So you see why I cant wait for my next appointment to come around to spend time with him.
Also I think now after this long relationship with him I can say why I believe I am still alive at eighty-one years old. I can say without hesitation Dr. Schumer is why I am still around and in good shape. This is why I have no problem telling other people, my friends, my real good friends at church and any time somebody talks about a good doctor, I always tell them about Dr. Schumer.
I would like to say a little about his office help, especially his nurse who does such a good job helping him. Also like to say what a great help Joy is to me and also Nancy has been over the years. Everybody is his office is so friendly and helpful that it makes it a privilege to see them each trip.
Thanks, good friend...............Harold A.