Dr. B truly cares and strives

Member First Name
| February, 28 2018 | for B Bottenberg, DO, FNLA

8 years ago I came to Dr Bottenberg very ill and frustrated as my Dr off many years could not find what was making me so ill. Before I left on my 1st visit with Dr. B I knew I was a diabetic and a few months later after working with me my blood sugars came down and I began to feel better. It was short lived as I began haven pain on my mid to left side and De. B found that I had Kidney Cancer! Dr. B always finds whatever odd conditions I always seem to get when the others could not! I believe Dr. B truly cares and strives too know his patients health issues treatments and concerns! I have truly been blessed to have found him when I did as I believe I may not be here otherwise! Thank Dr. B!
