Dr. Armando Siqueiros is truly the Gold Standard of Physicians

Member First Name
Robert Alan
| February, 13 2024 | for Armando Siqueiros, MD

I started seeing Dr. Siqueiros several years prior to him becoming a MDVIP provider. He is now the happiest I have ever seen him. Why, because he can spend the time with his patients to really get to know them. His goal has always been to provide the best in quality health care and now he has the freedom to practice medicine his way.
I made it a point to follow Dr. Siqueiros to his new practice. I was also happy to see that Sandy, his long time nurse came out of retirement to join him. Dr. Siqueiros and his staff are always accessible. I know I am in good hands when my doctor and his staff feel like family.
I have been reccommending Dr. Siqueiros to my close friends and will continue to do so.
