Doctor Winkler has always had a passion for preventative care, and access to his office and professional services is always available.

Member First Name
| February, 8 2014 | for Steven P. Winkler, MD, FACP

Doctor Winkler has always had a passion for preventative care, and access to his office and professional services is always available. We are pleased to have him as our doctor before he joined MDVIP and of course since joining. The staff in the office are friendly, courteous and helpful.

As an example, he performed ultrasounds in his office one year that detected a buildup in my right carotid artery. Instead of putting me on a drug, he recommended I use Niacin B flush free vitamins every day. The ultrasonic results one year later showed the carotid artery was completely clear and I continue to use Niacin B as a preventative measure. He quite possibly saved my life.

We trust that he will continue to provide great medical care despite the obstacles of Obamacare and government bureaucracy that threatens to degrade our health system. And we pray that he takes care of himself under the stressful conditions that exist in his profession.
