Doctor Steven Winkler stands at the top as the best of the best!

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| February, 27 2018 | for Steven P. Winkler, MD, FACP

I moved to Las Vegas in 1998 and Dr. Winkler has been my one and only primary care physician here. He has a comprehensive, detailed approach to my care and treatment. My wife is also under his care, which is fortunate, because he caught my wife's multiple myeloma early and insisted that her care begin at the Seattle Cancer Care Center, even though insurers tried to tell us she wasn't sick enough. Currently, has been cancer-free for a year. She bowls three times a week, and is very active and energetic in all her activities.

We both find Dr. Winkler to be compassionate and thorough in his analysis and treatment. As the leader of our treatment team he always recommends the best medical people and facilities for our treatment and care. We always have had goo medical people and treatment during our lives, but Doctor Steven Winkler stands at the top as the best of the best!
