Diabetes CGM monitoring

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| August, 6 2024 | for James H. West, MD
Image provided by: Steve

I’ve been diagnosed as a diabetic for over 20 years and efforts to control my diet and resulting glucose levels has been difficult. Dr. West recommended a CGM and since I have been using it, not only have I seen my glucose levels drop to levels I’ve never seen before, but it has sensitized me to my health and that has been very positive
CGM monitor is a constant reminder of the impact on lifestyle and diet and your health. Anyone who struggles with diabetes should immediately give up met Forman and similar drugs and reevaluate based on CGM readings. Dr. West adjusted my medication‘s and I see glucose readings in the 80s And I have not seen that level in years. I believe you have to take a serious responsibility for your own health and management and being part of MD. VIP has been part of our long-term strategy to stay healthy as we move into our later years.
