Dedicated medical care is the best medicine.

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| February, 6 2024 | for John V. Borders, MD, FACP

The medications I was taking before becoming Dr. Borders' patient (2021), were essentially a hodge-podge comprised of medicines prescribed by various specialists over the years. Neither my long-term family physician (20+ yrs.), nor her young replacement (2019-2020), both very competent and sympathetic, ever really scrutinized my medications or their relationships to one another. (My scheduled visits to them seem to have consisted primarily of a set of prescribed questions). During a hospital stay in 2020 an attending specialist suggested that one of those prescriptions was the cause of some of my problems, and, in a follow-up office visit, his colleague said that this medication was not only inappropriate, but I should not take it anymore, it could be detrimental to my health.
Dr. Borders takes a very different approach. From the very beginning he has paid very close attention to my medications and made changes in them incrementally. In some cases, he has prescribed an alternate medication--on a trial basis--to assess its effects before making the prescription more permanent. In others he has suggested I try a different dosage of a medication to ascertain if it were more efficacious than the one that I had been taking. He always explains his rationale for his choices, and, when appropriate, we discuss the pros-and-cons of his recommendations. As his patient, I feel much more informed and confident about my current medications.
Dr. Borders uses the same considered approach when unexpected medical problems arise. Last June I thought I might have an ear infection. It felt like one I had had earlier. At that time an urgent treatment doctor prescribed an antibiotic and when it didn’t improve, a steroid. Dr. Borders asked me to come to his office, checked my ear, asked a few questions, and explained why he thought this one was not an infection, but a sinus drainage. I followed his instructions for sinus drainage, and it cleared up.
Dr. Borders is a highly experienced and knowledgeable physician. Both examples illustrate that he is a careful listener. If I have a medical problem, I know he is accessible, will take my medical history into account, analyzes what the problem may be, what options may exist, provides a rationale for his recommendations, and leaves space for my thoughts. Formerly I had would become very anxious about how to negotiate our medical system when a medical problem arose. I know that Dr. Borders, by contrast, is dedicated to providing me with the best advice and care possible, and this has given me a great sense of relief and peace of mind. I would wish everyone could experience this same level of medical care.
