Comfort…trust…connected…and committed!

Member First Name
| February, 10 2024 | for Ronald E. Thomas, MD

Dr Ronald Thomas has been my primary care doctor for 25+ years, since I was in my late teens. The comfort, medical expertise, time to listen and connect with me about what’s most important to me as his patient are some of the most important qualities Dr Thomas possesses that have kept me part of his practice and under his direct care.

When he became an MDVIP physician, I didn’t immediately join as I wasn’t sure if it was the right fit for me. However, looking back, I wish I would have known what I know now as the benefits that come with an MDVIP practice far outweigh the minimal additional financial expense.

I will always be grateful for the care I’ve received from Dr Thomas and his associates over the years. And now that I’ve been a part of the MDVIP membership with Dr Thomas and his staff exclusively now for a couple of years, all I can say is I can’t say enough good things about my entire experience and the care I receive, not to mention the peace of mind, convenience, access, and additional benefits that help me live my best life and take healthcare experiences
And expectations to an entire new level.

In a world that can easily allow you to become a number with overwhelmed PPC practices, competing personal and professional priorities, and where self care can easily be sacrificed to keep meeting other life priorities, this is the answer that I personally didn’t know I needed but couldn’t imagine not having now that I’ve experienced the MDVIP membership.

Dr Thomas-you were truly meant to be a physician and do what you do everyday! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and my family’s heart for allowing me to get to better health and continue to find ways to live my best life. I will always be grateful for your dedication, sacrifice and care over these past 25+ years!

Happy National Doctors Day and I hope
you get all of the recognition you truly deserve!
