Clever Ways

Member First Name
| January, 21 2024 | for James S. Parsons, MD

My husband was at Dr James Parsons office complaining about not being able to concentrate, being two years behind in his taxes because he couldn't seem to organize his paperwork, something he had been doing for many years. He thought he needed to have his antidepressant increased. Dr. Parsons replied that it wasn’t depression that something was going on with his brain & that he wanted him to see a neurologist. He thought it was Lewy Bodies. My husband replied, “ no I’m not seeing anymore doctors or having any more tests. At that point Dr. Parsons cleverly printed something out on his computer, gave it to my husband, told him to read it & he would call him in the morning. After reading it my husband agreed to see the neurologist. It was Lewy Bodies. Not only was Dr. Parsons diagnosis correct but he new just how to handle my husband’s stubbornness. He took that extra step to print out the information that brought him to his senses.

This all happened before he became
an MDVIP. He always, not only a good doctor, but a caring person.

Janet Cummings

