Christmas Memories

Member First Name
| January, 18 2024 | for Henry R. Lemley, MD
Image provided by: Johnny

I am a relatively new patient of Dr. Henry Lemley's. When I went in for my flu shot this October, I mentioned to his nurse, Tasha, I had lost my dear wife of 64 years a month earlier. I went back a month later with a medical problem and Dr. Lemley and his staff took care of the problem and also expressed concern for my lose of Nancy.
On Christmas Eve, Tasha delivered to my door, a beautiful pillow along with a card signed by Dr. Limley and his entire staff.
Somehow, they had found on Facebook a picture of Nancy and me from a happy past Christmas and had it made into a pillow. Dr. Lemley and his staff care as much about my emotional wellbeing as they do my physical wellbeing. The pillow is a cherished possession.
