Christian LeFevre, MD has been there for me 24/7 in some of my sickest hours.

Member First Name
| February, 6 2014 | for Christian H. LeFevre, MD

Christian LeFevre, MD has been there for me 24/7 in some of my sickest hours. He has allowed us to work together as much as is possible. He was the first MD who really sincerely understood how I was feeling and what I was going through. He has really LISTENED to me. I feel I owe much of my improved health to his wonderful and wise care. Without him I honestly don't know where or how I would be now. I can and have called him at any time and he has always responded promptly to give me guidance. He recently helped me through a sudden ER visit and short hospitalization. He was in touch with the MD who was covering me at the hospital and was so helpful in following my treatment. I felt safe. I continue to gain health and hope to live a long and healthy life due to Christian LeFevre. Thank You my Dear Doctor!
