Choosing MDVIP and especially Dr.Lee Freidman was the smartest move that I've made in my 46 years.

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| June, 20 2013 | for Lee S. Freedman, MD

Choosing MDVIP and especially Dr.Lee Freidman was the smartest move that I've made in my 46 years. Lee as he prefers to be called, has compassion, towards his patients. I experience it and I witness it with each person he comes in contact with. That in my opinion is one half of the battle in modern medicine. Just care!
In achieving my goals, Lee checks up on me via phone calls and email from time to time AND makes sure that I get in to see him whenever I need to. He asks about exercise, how I feel, tells me if I look good, or asks if something is wrong.
I went to Lee originally because for three years prior NOBODY could tell me why I kept falling asleep. Sleep Apnea was diangosed, and that was it. His VERY FIRST statement to me was, although I am not a sleep specialist, WE will get to the bottom of this. He not only helped me get into one of the top Chicago Neurologists who Diagnosed Narcolepsy/Cataplexy, but Lee discovered too that I am type 2 Diabetic. Not ONE physician took the time to figure that out. I tell people jokingly that if you get a papercut, sign up for MDVIP. They will make it go away, fast! Highest endorsement to the Dr. and his entire staff, Noreen with her smile and Christine his incredible Nurse, who also CARES.
