Carol E. Ritter

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| February, 24 2024 | for Carol E. Ritter, MD

Dr. Ritter has been my gyn. for almost 30 years. She delivered both my children by c-section. Last Oct. during the uterine sonogram, part of the MDVIP testing, we found a polyp which Dr. Ritter removed and lab testing determined there were level 3 abnormal cells, which are almost cancer. I didn't have symptoms and without the sonogram, I probably would have ended up with uterine cancer. We decided to do a D&C instead of a hysterectomy, partially because I had PTSD from childhood surgeries and didn't want any surgery at all. Dr. Ritter was very encouraging, supportive and compassionate. As we began the procedure, she grabbed my hand while the anesthesia took effect. That meant so much to me. The lab results came back with great news- no more abnormal cells! We didn't need the hysterectomy! I am forever grateful to the MDVIP uterine sonogram and the care of Dr. Ritter through all of this. I would never leave her practice. I don't know what I'll do when she retires. Thank you Dr. Ritter for being so awesome.
