Member First Name
| February, 15 2024 | for J. Rick Adams, MD
Image provided by: Betty

Sorry I'm a bit late, but my husband is in home hospice and I've had my hands full lately, as you can imagine. Dr Rick Adams has been my primary care physician for over 20 years and he has also been my husband's PCP for about 10 years now. We are in our 80s and 90s and have had plenty of experience with a lot of good doctors over the years. That fact in itself is a testimony, but Dr Adams is much more than a wonderful physician who has treated us very successfully over time, he is also a dear friend and confidant and our brother in Christ Jesus our Lord. I'm sure that not all of his patients are Judaeo Christians and do not require it of their physicians, but as an ordained minister and my husband as an Elder and a Deacon in our church, it is vitally important to both of us to be able to refer to scriptural truths, to pray and be prayed for by strong dedicated believers as well. Our relationship is not "religious" but more like family. We are blessed indeed to be members of the MDVIP program and also to have Dodie as our nurse. Thank God for all of His provision , and especially for Dr. Rick Adams. Blessings to you all.
