Beloved Physician

Member First Name
Cornelia Connie
| February, 7 2024 | for John V. Borders, MD, FACP
Image provided by: Cornelia       Connie

It is impossible to put into words what Dr John Borders means to me. His Loving Care, personal interest ,,expertise’ and Brilliance ( I say Brilliant because he is constantly studying - continuing Education on his own and the Wisdom he gleans are Blessings beyond expression to all of us.). . There have been so many times that his Personal Love and Care and Wisdom have Blessed my Life and Health. But One recent Example is the following: Last year ,because of very painful Carpal tunnel and extreme numbness in my right hand , Dr Borders referred me to a Hand Specialist, who , after many tests , recommended Carpal tunnel Surgery with 3 or 4 months of recovery. - He offered no other Options .. Because I had just lost my beloved Husband of 69 wonderful years , . . . Because I am 91 years old, my Children, , Grandchildren, and 5 Great Grandchildren all live in Louisville, I need to be able to keep moving forward to be with them for their many special occasions. Surgery would be very difficult for me to handle at this time in my life. When I saw recently saw Dr Borders for my Wellness Report , he said, “Connie, your hand is going to get much worse , I believe an INJECTION would help you.” I was so happy to have him send a referral to my Hand Specialist, who had not offered this help for my situation. Two weeks ago I had the Injection and my right Hand is remarkably better! - I’m able to write ( I love to send Cards and Notes etc.) and the Numbness is gone! ! . I am thrilled and thankful beyond words for Dr. Borders personal interest and help In even bringing up this problem in my life and offering help. Another example of his Personal love and Care : Through these years Dr. Borders has been like “ an “Angel in our midst” In my life and my Husband’s life, His personal Care In all the years of The Wellness Care of Bob Pitman’s Life , and on through his final illness - and Dr. Borders Daily Visit’s in ICU until Bob’s death were a Gift from Heaven above for both of us. Dr. John Border’s is the Epitome and even much more of the MDVIP Doctor. This is just a small expression of my Gratitude. With a heart of Love and Appreciation for Dr. John Borders and many Prayers for his continued Health and Strength.
