The basics matter

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| March, 10 2020 | for Kevin C Thompson, MD

I feel blessed that I have an overall healthy life.
But over 65 years I have Not had a healthy relationship with my primary Doctor. What was missing was the basics.
Listening, not making notes in a lap top. Where I had to repeat myself several times in the “few” minutes I was given w him.
Eye to eye contact. He can see me, so he can see how I feel.
Sitting in a waiting room for literally hours. Where I was exposed to conditions that were worse than what I was there for.
A caring staff, not an over worked staff that also felt like they were just a number.
Accessibility. I have never had more accessibility to my Doctor than I have now.
My wife, she is not so lucky. She has had and continues in a hard road.
Once I was very afraid of how my Wife was feeling. So I called Doctor Thompson’s cell number. After what seemed to be many many rings I thought to myself sure, the real BS is showing up. As I was about to hang up he answered the phone. He said “Joe, sorry it took so long. I am kayaking in Northern Michigan. I had to dig my cell out of a water proof bag! What is going on and how can I help?”
I will close by saying I will visit my Doctor more often. Take better care of myself working with a Doctor that understands the basic needs of a relationship.
Yes more exercise, fruits and nuts🤣
