Amazing in so many ways: Steven Winkler, M.D.

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| March, 3 2020 | for Steven P. Winkler, MD, FACP

I will try, in this short message to describe all the ways Dr. Winkler helps me. Obviously, as a physician, he is knowledgeable and sympathetic. skilled professional in all ways. He inspires me by leading by example: running 6 miles a day to stay in shape. This year, he invited all of his patients to go on a walk together on a weekend morning, and he addresses the general needs of every one of us during that walk. It's hard to explain to a man that dedicated why I'm sloughing off on my exercise. He is an excellent communicator, not just to me but to his own staff and to the specialists he refers me to. His positive personality is reflected in the attitudes of his subordinates, and in in the well-appointed and spotless offices and waiting room that everyone there maintains. When we go through my periodic checks (annual, biennial and follow-up) he first listens, then responds fully to my questions. And then he makes sure I understand what he is telling me and what is at stake. I do believe he advocates for me, when he thinks something may go wrong in a session with a specialist he has recommended for me. He has been the primary physician for me and also for my wife, he thoroughness, especially in terms of follow-up was able to catch my wife's multiple myeloma (spelling?) in the early stages and allow her to continue living a normal, healthy life as a result. [A couple of weeks ago, she rolled a 233 game at the bowling alley!] I'm trying to put all of this into the most compact message I can think of, because of the limit on the number of characters I'm allowed to us. But I want to say that he is totally aware of the 18 years I spent working in the nuclear industry and has been trying to figure out if the chronic lung problems I'm having are related in some way. Latest testing seems to indicate these problems are more likely to be an allergy, but we're still checking that out. My wife and I have been in Dr. Winkler's care since 1999, and I feel that he is highly competent, empathetic, an excellent leader and example for others, and he inspires me. He is my doctor, my adviser, and my friend. I could go on and on. with more details,but--- I'm sure you get the idea. 
