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| March, 11 2020 | for Jeffrey Magaziner, MD, FACP

My wife and I both use Dr. Magaziner, and we love him. My wife had a cough for awhile, and I said to call him which she didn't. I happed to see him in the Giant one Sunday and mentioned it to him. He was nice enough to talk to me on his time, and said that he would talk to her. Bottom line is that he wasted no time to have her look into it he sent her foe a scan right and then another. The scan showed something, but not sure. He didn't say we will keep watch on it, and check it again later. It was finally diagnosed as stage I lung cancer. My wife had surgery not too long after and thank goodness she is O K now.
I know for me, I had a stress test at Hopkins and it showed something not right. He called me that night, and explained to me a few options what to do, but suggested to what he thought would be the best thing to do, and I did it I had a cauterization, and thank goodness it came out O K. In general Dr. Magaziner cares about his patients, to the 10th degree is very leaves no stone unturned, easy to talk to and is a good listener. He does not hesitate to call you back if something is on your mind. We also know when he recommends a DR. we are completely satisfied .We have a high respect for Dr. Magaziner, and glad you are our Dr. Thank you Dr.Magaziner
