Always Available

Member First Name
| January, 18 2024 | for Kennedy J. Sbat, DO, FCCP

We tell all our family and friends how we’ve never had a doctor like Dr. Sbat who truly cares about us and all of our family! Whenever I have a question or we are sick and I have to text him after hours he always gets back to me right away. He takes the time at each appointment to spend with me to explain and go over everything and then listens and answers each of my questions.

When my husband found out that he had a stroke years ago and we were both worried about him having another, Dr. Sbat hugged him when we left, showing that he truly cared about him and reassured him that he was going to be okay. That meant so much to both of us!

I am very thankful that God put him into our lives and feel very grateful to him for always being there for me and my family! Thank you Dr. Sbat!!!!
