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| July, 14 2020 | for Dr. Alyssa M. Degnan

Dr. Degnan has been my physician since 2008 and has always provided excellent care in a most friendly and efficient manner. Until last year I was in very good health and never needed more than a quick checkup. In June 2019 I had a brain-stem stroke which left me unable to swallow and with severe balance problems in addition to many other symptoms requiring the services of numerous physicians. Dr. Degnan closely followed my recovery and interceded to make sure I was receiving the best of care. For instance, when one of my medications caused internal bleeding, she immediately ordered me to the hospital for several units of blood. Even though I could barely stand without support, the Hospital Physician thought I could rebuild my blood over several months without a transfusion. Dr. Degnan insisted I receive two units, which was almost like being given back my life. Dr. Degnan has always been both friendly and straight forward in managing my health. She tells me when I need to lose weight, but she also tells me when I’m doing okay.
