After being diagnosed with breast cancer several years ago, I don't know what I would have done without Dr. Hilty.

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| February, 6 2014 | for Stephen A. Hilty, MD
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After being diagnosed with breast cancer several years ago, I don't know what I would have done without Dr. Hilty. My access to him and his absolutely wonderful referrals to my surgeon and the Hearst Cancer Resource Center were such a blessing. To take away a positive out of that experience was the wonderful care I received from all of my healthcare providers and Dr. Hilty was right in the middle of it monitoring my progress and checking in. I was diagnosed just 3 weeks before I was to leave for Peru and trek on the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. Dr. Hilty assured me that I should go on the trip and we did all the surgery prep before hand and I went into surgery two days after I got back. It was a peaceful way to begin my treatment of surgery and radiation.
